What’s the Best Method for Introducing a Rescue Greyhound to Apartment Living?

April 17, 2024

Greyhounds are an exceptional breed. Their lithe, aerodynamic bodies lend to their reputation as the Ferraris of the dog world. Yet, despite their athletic prowess, greyhounds are typically gentle, docile creatures that make excellent pets. The challenge comes when trying to transition a rescue greyhound, often accustomed to a particular lifestyle, to apartment living. This article aims to guide you through the process of acclimating your new pet to their small, comfy home.

Understanding the Greyhound Breed

To ensure a smooth transition for your greyhound, you need to understand the temperament and unique attributes of this breed. A greyhound’s life before you may have been structured around racing or hunting. This leads to certain behaviors and expectations that you’ll need to be aware of.

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Greyhounds are known for their speed. They love to run and will need regular exercise to keep them both mentally and physically healthy. However, contrary to popular belief, they are not high-energy dogs. They are often referred to as "45 mph couch potatoes" due to their love of lounging around for most of the day. This trait makes them surprisingly suitable for apartment living, given you can provide them with their necessary exercise.

Despite their racing history, greyhounds are also known for their sweet, reserved nature. They can be sensitive dogs and may feel overwhelmed by drastic changes in their environment. They may have little experience with common household items and routine noises, making the introduction to a new home a potentially stressful experience.

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The Importance of Crate Training

Crate training is a powerful tool in helping your greyhound transition to apartment living. It provides a sense of safety and security, acting as their personal sanctuary. This is particularly helpful if the dog has been used to kennel living as a part of their racing career.

Select a crate that is large enough for your greyhound to stand, turn, and lay down comfortably. Place it in a quiet, low-traffic area of your house. Include a soft bed and favorite toys to make the crate feel inviting.

Remember, patience is key. If they are anxious or resistant to the crate, don’t force them. Use positive reinforcement like treats and praise to encourage them to enter willingly. Over time, this will become their safe space when they need it.

Introducing Cats and Other Pets

Another crucial aspect to consider when bringing a greyhound into a house with other pets, especially cats, is their innate hunting instinct. Greyhounds are sight hounds and have been bred for chasing small animals.

However, many greyhounds live peacefully with cats and other small animals. The key is gradual, supervised introductions. Keep your greyhound on a leash during these initial interactions. Allow both pets to observe each other from a safe distance. Be calm and positive, rewarding good behavior with treats and praise.

It’s important to note that not all greyhounds will coexist with cats or other small pets. Some may have a stronger prey drive, making cohabitation risky. It’s crucial to discuss this with the greyhound’s rescue organization or foster home to ensure their compatibility with other pets in your home before adopting.

Establishing a Routine

Greyhounds thrive on routine. It can help them feel secure and adapt more quickly to their new home. Establish a schedule for feeding, walks, playtime, and rest. Greyhounds, despite their athletic appearance, enjoy plenty of rest and will appreciate a consistent, calm home environment.

Morning and evening walks should be part of your daily routine. This not only provides exercise but also an opportunity for mental stimulation. Remember that greyhounds are quite sensitive to temperature due to their thin coats, so consider their comfort during extreme weather conditions.

It’s also worth noting that greyhounds are not typically strong swimmers due to their low body fat. Therefore, if your apartment has a pool, always supervise your greyhound around it.

Foster a Calm Environment

Creating a calm environment from the start can help your greyhound adjust to their new home. Loud noises and sudden movements can scare them. Limit visitors during the first few days and slowly introduce them to new people and experiences once they start to feel secure.

Toys and mental stimulation are important to keep your greyhound busy. This is particularly important if you’re gone for extended periods. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and chew toys can help keep them entertained and prevent destructive behavior.

Remember, patience and consistency are key in helping your rescue greyhound adjust to their new surroundings. With time, love, and understanding, your greyhound will feel right at home in their new apartment life.

Addressing Separation Anxiety

One common issue for rescue dogs, including greyhounds, is separation anxiety. This is a condition where the dog feels overly anxious when left alone. It’s important to address this to ensure your greyhound will adjust smoothly to your apartment lifestyle.

Remember that greyhounds are social creatures. In their previous life, they were likely surrounded by other dogs and handlers throughout the day. Suddenly being alone can be a difficult adjustment for them. Symptoms of separation anxiety can include excessive barking, pacing, destructive behavior, or even attempts to escape.

Start by leaving your greyhound alone for short periods, gradually increasing the length of time. This will help them understand that you’re always coming back. Arranging to have a friend or dog walker stop by during the day can also provide some companionship and break up the time they spend alone.

To alleviate the stress, create a calming atmosphere before you leave. Play some soothing music or provide toys that will keep your greyhound entertained. A Kong toy filled with treats or a puzzle feeder can be an excellent distraction and provide mental stimulation while you’re gone.

It’s essential always to leave and return calmly. Making a big fuss can heighten their anxiety. If your greyhound continues to struggle with separation anxiety, consider seeking advice from a professional trainer or a vet. They can provide specific strategies tailored to your greyhound and your situation.

Ensuring a Safe Outdoor Space

Although greyhounds are well-suited to apartment living, they still require regular exercise and mental stimulation. This may present a challenge if you don’t have access to a large, fenced yard. They are sight hounds and may chase after small animals if given the chance. However, there are several ways you can meet their needs in an apartment setting.

First, regular walks are crucial. A greyhound will typically need a brisk walk or a short run each day to maintain their health and happiness. This doesn’t necessarily mean hours of exercise. Often, a 30-minute walk in the morning and evening will suffice.

When walking your greyhound, always keep them on a leash. Their prey drive can kick in if they see a small dog or a cat, and their speed makes it nearly impossible to catch them if they decide to run.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to look for a local dog park or a similar enclosed area where your greyhound can safely run and play. Socializing with other dogs can also help your greyhound adjust to their new life. Just remember to observe their body language to ensure they are comfortable and enjoying themselves.


Introducing a rescue greyhound to apartment living can be a fulfilling journey for both of you. The key is understanding their unique needs and providing a stable, calm environment for them to adjust. Patience, love, and consistency will help your new family member feel secure and at home.

Addressing potential issues such as separation anxiety and ensuring they have a safe outdoor space for exercise are crucial steps in this process. It’s also necessary to assess their compatibility with other pets, especially cats and small dogs, and take the appropriate measures to introduce them gently.

With time and care, your adopted greyhound will settle into their new lifestyle and become a cherished part of your apartment living. Your investment in their wellbeing will be rewarded with a loyal, loving companion who will provide joy and companionship for years to come. As with all rescue dogs, a greyhound just needs the opportunity to show you their potential. With a little effort, they will not only adapt to their new environment but thrive in it.